Thursday, 30 April 2015

Meeting of PJCA Leaders on Strike Charter of Demands with Secretary Department of Posts held at Dak Bhawan, New Delhi on 30.04.2015 . Talks inconclusive. Keep the tempo on. 
SG  Sri D Theyagarajan

Monday, 27 April 2015

Central govt employees plan indefinite strike from November 23

Central Government employees, who are planning a demonstration near Parliament on Tuesday demanding scrapping the New Pension Scheme and raising the bonus limit, have decided to go on an indefinite strike from November 23 if their demands are not met.
“If the demands are not met, then the joint action committee has decided to go for an indefinite strike from November 23. The strike will include the railways, postal and other departments as well,” Shivagopal Mishra, convener of the joint action committee, told BusinessLine.
They also demand redressal of pending anomalies in the Sixth Central Pay Commission, interim relief, scrapping foreign direct investment and public private partnership schemes, filling of vacancies, and amendments in labour laws, among others, according to a release.

The India Railway Men’s Federation, National Federation of Indian Railwaymen, All India Defence Employees Federation, National Federation of Postal Employees Federation, and Confederation of Central Government Employees will take part in the demonstration, said Mishra said.

Directorate called PJCA to discuss Charter of Demands

Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(SR Division)

Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi, dated 24th April, 2015

Subject:- Meeting with PJCA (comprising of NFPE & FNPO)  under the Chairpersonship of Secretary(Posts).

         It has been decided to convene a meeting with the representatives of Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA) to discuss their Charter of Demands.  The meeting will be held on Thursday, the 30th April, 2015 at 1100 hrs. in the G.P. Roy Committee Room under the chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts). 

         Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting. The meeting will be followed by lunch.

(Arun Malik)

Director (SR & Legal)



28TH APRIL 2015

Central govt employees demand scrapping of NPS, merger of DA

Central Government employees have decided to hold a demonstration near Parliament on April 28 for bringing to notice their long-pending demands such as scrapping of the new pension scheme, merger of dearness allowance, and putting a stop to outsourcing, among others.

According to a release, the demonstration would press the long-pending demands of Central Government employees including scrapping the New Pension Scheme (NPS), merger of dearness allowance (DA) in Pay, redressal of pending anomalies of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, interim relief, scrapping foreign direct investment, and public private partnership schemes, filling of vacancies, stopping outsourcing, enhancement of the limit of bonus, and on the other side various amendments in labour laws, among others.

On the call of the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA), the Convener of NCJCA Shiva Gopal Mishra said in a release various associations will participate in the demonstration including the All-India Railway Men’s Federation, the National Federation of Indian Railwaymen, the All-India Defence Employees’ Federation, the Indian National Defence Workers’ Federation, the National Federation of Postal Employees’ Federation, the Federation of National Postal Organisation, and the Confederation of Central Government Employees. Besides, some state employees will also participate in the demonstration.

Mishra further said if the Government does not take the “united movement seriously” to resolve the issues, they would be forced to take precipitate action for which the Centre would be responsible.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Timely and advance action in convening of Departmental Promotion Committee meeting – DOPT Instruction

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block. New Delhi – 110001
Dated-23rd April 2015
Subject:-  Timely and advance action in convening of Departmental Promotion Committee meeting in terms of Model Calendar- regarding.
The undersigned is directed to state that with a view to having the approved select panels for promotion ready in advance in a time-bound manner, this Department has issued a Model Calendar for DPCs vide OM No. 22011 /9/98-Estt. (D) dated 8th September, 1998 as modified vide OM No. 22011/4/2013-Estt.(D) dated 28.01.2015. An indicative pattern has been provided in the Model Calendar for various events involved in the pre/ post DPC related actions. All the Ministries/Departments have been impressed upon from time to time by this Department to adhere to the prescribed time-line so as to ensure that the panel is ready in time and is utilised as and when the vacancies arise during the course of the vacancy year.
2. Appointment Committee of Cabinet has viewed it seriously that the Diplex are not being convened in time. Delay in promotion affects the manpower planning and impedes the career progression of the employees. The delays .in conduct of DPC negate the very purpose of the Model Calendar for Diplex issued vide Office Memorandum No.22011/9/98-Estt.(D) dated 8th September, 1998 as modified vide OM No. 22011/4/2013-Estt.(D) dated 28/01/2015.
4. The objective of timely promotions of employees in various Ministries/Departments can be achieved only by granting the promotion in time.
5. All the Ministries/Departments are, therefore, once again advised to ensure strict compliance of instructions in order to achieve the desired objectives of timely convening of Diplex/preparation of approved select panels within the prescribed time frame.



179. SHRI D. RAJA:
Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:
(a) whether thousands of crores of rupees are held up in post offices as unclaimed amount in the post office savings, Public Provident Fund accounts etc.;
(b) if so, the details under various schemes and the main reasons therefor;
(c) whether the main reason therefor is name of nominee not given at the time of opening the account and hassles of completing other court procedures for claiming the amount by the dependents of the deceased account holders; and
(d) if so, the measures proposed to be taken to make the procedure to claim the amount by genuine dependents hassle-free?
(a) Yes Sir.
(b) Scheme-wise figures are given in Annexure. Main reason for unclaimed amount is non withdrawal of money by depositors after maturity of their investment in Small Savings Schemes, discontinued long back.
(c) No Sir.
(d) Does not arise in view of (c) above.
Scheme – wise details of unclaimed amount in Post Office Savings Bank
S. No.
Amount in Rs. crores
Mahila Samriddhi Yojna
Fixed Deposit
15 year Cumulative Time Deposit
Indira Vikas Patra
National Development Bonds
National Defence Certificate
10 years National Defence Deposit Certificate
10 years National Plan Savings Certificate
5 years National Savings Certificate
National Savings Certificate (III)
National Savings Certificate (IV)

Extention of last date for Declaration of Assests and liabilities by public servents under section 44 of lokpal & lokayuktas Act 2013

CLICK HERE  To view extension order memo

Another Mile Stone Judgment in favour of Pre-2006 Pensioners

20 years’ Service enough for full pension 

even for  Pre-2006 Pensioners

Outcome of Supreme Court Judgment on this issue

Apex Court dismissed SLP No.C/2014 CC No (s) , 20144/2014 on 20-02-2015. This SLP was arising out of final judgment of Kerala High Court at Ernakulam dated 07.01.2014 in OPCAT No.8/2014 viz., Union of India vs M.O.Inasu.

The Kerala High Court judgment under question was a judgment of Ernakulam Bench of CAT filed by Mr.M.O.Inasu and Mr.K.Ramachandran Unnithan made on re-hearing as directed by the Kerala High Court that ordered to implement the  6th CPC recommendation of reducing the required 33 years of service into 20 years’  for grant of full qualifying pension of 50% of LPD or 10 months average whichever is greater to Pre-2006 Pensioners.

Kerala Comrades have supplied the judgment of CAT Ernakulam Bench viz., OA No.715 of 2012 with OA No.1051 of 2012. The OA No.715 of 2012 pertains to the case filed by Mr.M.O.Inasu  and the OA No.1051 of 2012 pertains to the case filed by Mr. K.Ramachandran Unnithan . Both of them were retired Deputy office Superintendent in Excise Department. The above referred Kerala High Court judgment and the dismissal of SLP by the Apex Court have come as final outcome of both of their OAs in Ernakulam Bench of CAT.

The crux of the judgment of Ernakulam Bench of CAT upheld by Kerala High Court as well as by the Apex Court is as follows:

  1. Both M.O.Inasu and K.Ramachandran Unnithan are Pre-2006 Pensioners. They were Ex-Servicemen and thereafter Deputy Superintendent in Excise Department before retirement. Their combined services were less than 33 years of service and therefore they were granted only pro-rata pension and not full pension @ 50% of 10 months average pay.
  2. Both claimed for full pension @ 50% of their last pay drawn as recommended by the 6th CPC for employees with 20 years of qualifying service instead of 33 years.
  3. Tribunal initially considering as to whether the Pre-2006 Pensioners are eligible for 50% of the minimum pay in the relevant Pay Band plus GP even if they do not have put in 33 years of qualifying service came to the conclusion that they are not entitled to and dismissed the OAs as above.
  4. The Pre-2006 Pensioners appealed in Kerala High Court against the order of the CAT Ernakulam.
  5. Kerala High Court had set aside the order of the CAT Ernakulam Bench vide O.P.(CAT) Nos.898/2013 and 1409/2013 vide judgement dated 04.06.2013 and directed the CAT to re-hear the applications and consider entries at Sl. Nos. 2 and 12 of the Resolution No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 29.08.2008 of the Ministry of Finance.
  6. The Ernakulam Bench of CAT based on the observation made by the High Court thereafter had pointed out the para 4.2 of the OM dated 01.09.2008, that there is no  stipulation of any minimum period of service for eligibility of  pension @ 50% of the minimum of the pay in the Pay Band  plus Grade Pay of the post from which the pensioner had  retired. According to para 4.2, it is made clear that the pension should in no case shall be lower than 50% of the  minimum of the pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay  corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired. Therefore, denial of 50% f the pay  as basic pension is illegal and arbitrary.
  7. The Ernakulam Bench also pointed out the order of the Principal Bench of CAT Delhi that quashed the OM dated 03-10-2008 and 14-10-2008 and therefore the above two OMs are no more valid and no more in force. Therefore the decision of the CAT Delhi Principal Bench is also applicable to the applicants.
  8. The Bench also referred to the Principal Bench judgment and ruled that the benefit of 50% of minimum of pay in the pay band plus relevant Grade Pay shall be paid to the Petitioners even though they did not render 33 years of qualifying service.
The judicial verdict is another blow to the Government’s mis-interpretation on the following two counts:

  1. The minimum of Pay Band plus relevant GP instead of minimum of the pay in the Pay Band plus relevant Grade Pay of the Pre-2006 pensioners;
  2. 20 years Qualifying service instead of 33 years of qualifying service is applicable only for post-2006 retirees and not for Pre-2006 Pensioners.
In the background of this historic judgment all are requested to find out about such Pre-2006 pensioners who are denied full pension for not putting in 33 years service and make them represent for grant of full pension @ 50% of the minimum of pay in Pay Band plus Grade pay for the particular cadre in which they retired before 2006.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Leave Travel Concession (LTC) entitlements of unmarried Government servants - Conversion of Home Town LTC facility into travel to different parts of the country permissible under the special dispensation scheme

F. No. 31011/1/2013-Estt (A..IV)
Government of india
Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

Establishment A-IV Desk
North Block. New Delhi-110 001
Dated April 21, 2014


Subject:- Leave Travel Concession (LTC) entitlements of unmarried Government servants - Conversion of Home Town LTC facility into travel to different parts of the country permissible under the special dispensation scheme Clarification - regarding.

In relaxation to the Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988, special dispensation is allowed to the Government servants from time to time. Presently, one such dispensation in operation is the relaxation to the Government servants to travel by air to visit North-East Region or to Jammu & Kashmir or to the Andaman & Nicobar islands by converting one biock of Home Town LTC available to them.

2. Vide this Department’s Office Memorandum No. 31011/17/85-Estt.(A) dated 03.04.1986, unmarried Central Government employees, who have left their wholly dependent parents/sisters/minor brothers at their home town are allowed the benefit of LTC to visit their home town every year. This concession is in lieu of all other LTC facilities admissible to the Government servant himself and to his/her parents/sisters/minor brothers.

3. This Department is in receipt of references seeking clarification on the admissibility of conversion of Home Town LTC facility into travel to different parts of the country, which is permissible under special dispensation, to such unmarried Government servants.

4. The matter has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Finance. It has been decided that the facility of conversion of Home Town LTC to allow travel to different parts of the country. under the special dispensation scheme, will also apply to an unmarried Central Government servant, who is eligible to avail the benefit of LTC to visit Home Town every year. This facility may be availed by converting one occasion of Home Town LTC out of the four Home Town LTC occasions available in a block of four years.

(Surya Narayan Jha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Soon, use any bank’s card at postal ATM

Soon, Chennai residents can use postal ATMs to withdraw money not only from their postal savings account, but from any bank account.

This will be possible once the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) accepts the proposal to have postal Automated Teller Machines (ATM) interoperable where postal customers could use debit cards of other banks. Earlier this week, the Department of Posts opened two more ATMs at St. Thomas Mount and Mylapore post offices. The first postal ATM was opened in T. Nagar post office last year.

Anna Road head post office and Tambaram post office will also have ATM facilities . In three months, the department plans to expand its ATM services to over 17 post offices, including those in Park Town, Avadi and Ambattur.

Officials of the Postal Department said once the ATMs are operational for a few months, RBI is expected to approve the proposal to allow postal account holders to use debit cards of other banks as well and vice versa.

As of now, only 50 postal account holders have debit cards. “With more ATMs being added, we are speeding up the process to issue personalised debit cards. At present, customers can get insta cards that will allow them to use ATMs till they get their debit cards,” said Mervin Alexander, Postmaster General (Chennai city region).

It takes about 3-4 weeks to get a postal debit card. The department plans to distribute about 2,500 cards soon, particularly to pensioners. While applications are being accepted for obtaining debit cards, customers can immediately get insta cards to carry out transactions.

Nearly 31.22 lakh postal saving account holders of Chennai city region would be able to use postal debit cards in any of the post offices networked with core banking solutions. Customers could soon avoid visits to post offices to carry out savings account transactions as e-post office and mobile banking facility are on the anvil.

Ministry of Finance Rejected Inclusion of GDS under 7th CPC

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Promotions of Postal Assistants to the cadre of LSG(Postal) General

Circle office Hyderabad has ordered Promotions of Assistants to the cadre of LSG(Postal) General vide CO memo no ST/6-3(P)/LSG Acts/DPC Dlgs/2014/vol.II dated 17.04.2015.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Postal department will train its staff to meet challenges of e-world

In a move to strengthen postal services in the country, Indian postal department will set up six additional Postal Training Centres (PTCs) in the country. 

To ensure committed and efficient employees, the department is mulling over setting up additional training centres under the 12th Five Year Plan, said S K Sinha, member of human resources development, Postal Services Board. 

Delivering the keynote address of golden jubilee celebrations of PTC (Mysuru) here on Monday, he said that the proposed centres will impart training in recent technologies and enable employees meet present-day challenges. 

Commitment from employees is much required to meet the challenges, he said, adding that training would play an important role in changing the attitude of employees. 

The department is also planning to impart training among group A and B employees to make them efficient, he added. Since 1980s, the nature of business has changed, he pointed. 

He also lauded PTC (Mysuru) for its training programmes and other activities. Ever since its inception on April 20, 1965, the centre has trained 1,16,590 employees in various courses. It follows Universal Postal Union Train Post Methodology to train the employees. PTC (Mysuru) has been catering to the needs of the postal circles of Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. 

Chief postmaster general (Karnataka circle) M S Ramanujan said that the department is gearing up (to meet the challenges), but it takes some time to absorb recent technologies and services. He said that e-commerce business needs the help of post department, and "it is certain they will come to us". e-commerce is the new baby of the department, and it will nourish the baby, he said, asking employees to be sensitive in handling e-commerce services. 

On the occasion, former directors of PTC were felicitated and a special cover on PTC (Mysuru), picture post cards on the wood works of PTC and a sovereign were unveiled. PTC (Mysuru) director D Veena Kumari presented a report on the journey of PTC.


Inviting suggestions for changes in existing guidelines on cadre review.-DOPT

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110003

20th April, 2015

Office Memorandum

Subject: Inviting suggestions for changes in existing guidelines on cadre review.

The Instructions and the Monograph on Cadre Review were last revised in 2010 and since then cadre review of 11 services have been completed and 16 proposals of cadre review are in various of consideration.

2.     Certain changes are being proposed in the existing guidelines to make the cadre review exercise more scientific and comprehensive. Therefore all the cadre controlling authorities are requested to send their suggestions on the existing guidelines and procedures to the undersigned on email id by 1st may 2015.

3.     In this regard a presentation dated 19th December on “Reforming Personnel Management in Gujarat” by Shri Dhananjay Dwivedi, Secretary (Services, ARTD, NRI), Government of Gujarat ( is being uploaded for information. This presentation has the details of many new initiatives of the Government of Gujarat including the details of restructuring and recruitment calendar (slide number 16-47).The link is

(Mona Singh)

Government Decides to Fix Interest Rates at 8.7% for General Provident Fund(GPF)-PIB

 Government Decides to Fix Interest Rates at 8.7% for General Provident Fund(GPF)and other Similar Funds Including Special Deposit Scheme, 1975(SDS,1975) for Non-Government Provident, Superannuation and Gratuity Funds for the Financial Year 2015-16

            It was decided by the Government to link the interest rates of State PFs (General Provident Fund and other similar funds) including Special Deposit Scheme, 1975 (SDS, 1975) for Non-Government Provident, Superannuation and Gratuity Funds for the FY 2015-16 to Public Provident Fund (PPF) rates. In pursuance of that decision, the Government has decided to fix the rates 8.7% per annum applicable to the following:-

·         The General Provident Fund (Central Services).
·         The Contributory Provident Fund (India).
·         The All India Service Provident Fund.
·         The State Railway Provident Fund.
·         The General Provident Fund (Defence Services).
·         The Indian Ordnance Provident Fund.
·         The Indian Ordnance Factories Workmen’s Provident Fund.
·         The Indian Naval Dockyard Workmen’s Provident Fund.
·         The Defence Services Officers Provident Fund.
·         The Armed Forces Personnel Provident Fund.
         The rate of interest is applicable to the above funds w.e.f. 1st April, 2015 and until further orders.

Recently, the Government had kept the interest rates for PPF and other Small Savings Schemes intact.  However, interest rates for 5 year Senior citizen Saving Scheme and Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme have been increased from 9.2 to 9.3% and 9.1 to 9.2% respectively, keeping in view the commitment of the Government towards the welfare of the girl child and the senior citizens.

Postmaster grade I. Transfers in vijayawada region

Click here  To view transfer list 

Monday, 20 April 2015

Union Declaration form ( Authorization letter to be submitted for new members/ others before 30.4.2015)

The Superintendent of Post Offices,

………………………………………………… Division,


                        Through  the DDO/ Postmaster………………………………………… HO

            I, ………………………………………………………………………………(Name and Designation) being a

member of National Association of Postal Employees, Group-C hereby authorize for deduction of monthly subscription of Rs.40/- (Rupees Forty only) per month from my salary starting from the month of July-2014, payable on 31.7.2014 and authorize it’s payment to the above mentioned service Association.
            I hereby certify that I have not submitted authorization in favor of any other service Association. If the above information is found incorrect, I fully understand that my authorization for the Association becomes invalid.

Station:                                                                                    Signature:

Date:                                                                           Name of the member & Designation

To be filled by the Association

            It is Certified that Sri/Smt……………………………………………………………………………..

Is a member of National Association of Postal Employees, Group-C,  it is further certified that, the above authorization has been signed by

Sri/Smt.............................................................................................. in my presence.

Signature:                                                                                            Signature;

Name in capitals of member                                                  Name in capital of authorized office bearer 
                                                                                                      Divisional Secretary)

Revision of Special Allowance and Cash handling Allowance as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance w.e.f 1.1.2014

CLICK HERE   to view original clarification memo

Allotment of wait listed candidates for PA SA Recruitment result for 2013 & 2014 of AP Circle

CLICK HERE  to view results list

Saturday, 18 April 2015


Oral evidence submitted by National Council(JCM) Standing committee and the VII CPC on 23.03.2015, 24.03.2015 and on 31.03.2015 respectively.

The JCM(NC), JCM Constitutents including INDWF jointly prepared the memorandum on pay Structure, Pay determination, Allowances, leave, women issues, LTC, TA/DA and Retirement benefits etc., on 30.06.2014. Similarly, on behalf of INDWF, we have submitted matters relating to Defence Civilian Employees on service matters on 28.07.2014.

Defence Federations were invited from 30th to 31st march, 2015. INDWF met the VII CPC on 31.03.2015 in the VII CPC office, New Delhi from 1030 HRs to 1200 HRs. [Click here to view the issues discussed by the Staff side National Council Staff side Standing Committee (JCM) and by INDWF]

Proposed new pay scales after removal of existing Grade Pay Rs.1900, Rs.2400, Rs.4600 and Rs.8700 in order to reduction of pay scales from 19 to 14.

Proposed Pay Scale INDWF


Proposed Pay Scale Minimum after Merger INDWF

Rotational Transfers in IP Cadre in Vijayawada Region

Clarification regarding application of FR 49

CLICK HERE    to view Department of Personnel and Training OM No.4/2/2014-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 16.04.2015 on the above subject matter.

AGENDA FOR 113 RJCM MEETING may please be submitted on or before 30.4.2015

Stop recovery of pay paid to to reemployed officials (ex-service man) until out come of RJCM committee meeting

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Training Calendar for the I Quarter 2015-16 AT PTC MYSORE


Clarification regarding application of FR 49-DOPT

F.No. 4/2/2014-Estt.(Pay-II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi
dated 5th April, 2015

Subject: Clarification regarding application of FR 49 - regarding

This Department undertook a review of FR 49 with a view to ensure that the provisions of the FR are applied in public interest and the spirit of the FR is maintained. it has been decided that the following points may be kept in view by Ministries / Departments while processing cases for giving additional charge

(i) The provisions of FR 49 apply only to Government servants. Appointments of an employee of an autonomous body/PSU etc to another such body would be governed by the Rules of the individual's employer;

(ii) The provisions of FR 49 are applicable to cases where the post held by the Government servant and the post to which he is appointed are under the Government.

(iii) Additional pay for holding additional charge of the posts in PSUs, autonomous bodies etc. is not permissible under FR-49.

(iv) Appointments made under FR 49 should follow the spirit of the FR to meet short term requirements only and it may be ensured that the provisions are not used to indirectly confer promotional benefits in lieu of promotion.

(v) Instructions of Ministry of Finance issued vide OM No. 7(7)/E.Coord/93 dated 3rd May 1993 read with oM No. 7(4)/E.Coord(I)/2001 dated 27th March 2001 regarding ‘economy in administrative expenditures - guidelines for abolition of posts' may be kept in view in this regard so that approval of Ministry of Finance for revival of post(s) is obtained wherever necessary before assigning the additional charge of posts.

(vi) While, the language of the FR 49 provides for appointment to a higher post, no occasion for appointing a Government servant to a post next above or even higher than the post next in hierarchy should arise. Such appointments may not be made without the approval of Department of Personnel and Training.

(vii) Though appointments covered under FR 49(i) are not promotion. the Government Servant so appointed gets the pay of the higher post. While it may not be necessary to go strictly by seniority in making such stop gap arrangements, as far as possible the senior most officer holding the lower post in the Department may be so appointed. The suitability of the officer for discharging the functions of the post should also be assessed. If the post requires any specialised skill/experience/training, the person most suited for the task may be appointed.

(viii) No person who is facing a disciplinary proceeding or is otherwise not suitable (for example who has an adverse entry in a recent APAR) should be given the additional charge.

(ix) The orders for appointments may be issued only after obtaining the approval of the authority competent to make appointments to the post.

2. It is requested that the above information may be brought to the notice of all concerned.

(A.K. Jain)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of india