Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Appeal from CPMG on Dharna at CO on 22/4/2016

        Kindly refer to  your  letter No. Adhdra Pradesh/PJCA/2016   dated 06.04.2016 on the above mentioned subject.

       It is to  bring to your notice that  as per Directorate vide letter No.46-12/2015-Tech dt 05.02.2016, Circles are delegated with the power of up gradation of NSP1 Bandwidth for D&E class offices to 512 kbps (minimum bandwidth as per national policy). Accordingly the feasible 2050 locations bandwidth upgradation approval is given to M/S SIFY.  Out of which SIFY has upgraded the Bandwidth in respect of 2011 locations. Remaining 39 locations are pending for want of issuance of WAN acceptance by the Divisions. Consequently Directorate vide letter No.46-12/2015-Tech dt 15.03.2016 has approved the upgradation of NSP2 to next higher level in 196 locations, where NSP1 is TNF.  In these locations, NSP2 existing bandwidth is 128 kbps, hence the upgradation is to be done to a minimum of 512 kbps instead of 256 kbps as approved by Directorate. This has been taken up with Directorate vide this office letter No. EDP/PMU/NI implementation/2014-15 dated 12.04.2016.    In this regard, kindly find the attachment of all class D & E locations which are apgraded to 512 Kbps on NSP1.

 I am directed by the Competent Authority to request to not resort to proposed action as it will demoralize the staff and give negative message to public.
With regards,

Union Cell
O/o the CPMG
A.P. Circle
Hyderabad - 500 001

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