Friday, 10 February 2017

FNPO decided to go on Strike on 16.3.2017.

Date : 10.2.2017

 FNPO decided to go on Strike on 16.3.2017.

In the PJCA held on 19/12/2016 the NFPE appealed the FNPO to participate in the strike notice given by the confederation for the demands relating to CG employees. The FNPO affiliates refused to participate the call given by confederation in Feb 2017 thereafter postponed to16/3/17. Thereafter they appealed to participate along with PJCA. The FNPO made clear that for the demands of postal employees who are the part of the CG employees to consider giving a separate notice on the same day in March 2017. Accordingly the NAPE gr c on 7/2/2017 in its policy and program unanimously decided, in future to go with NJCA for 7th cpc related issues and with PJCA on sectional demands. Accordingly the FNPO decided to serve strike immediately and it is nothing to do the confederation call. There is some confusion with the rank and file of NAPE gr c following the confederation call (Left party afflicted unions) the strike call of FNPO is in the larger interest of Postal employees in particular and CG employees as a hole to protest against the Central Government attitude. This is to avoid confusion in some sections of NAPE Group- C

  General Secretary

   NAPE Group- c

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