Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Government amends Rule 54 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

Date : 24.09.2019

Government  amends Rule 54 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

On  death  of  a  Government  servant  while  in  service,  the  family  is  entitled  to  a  family  pension  in  accordance  with  Rule  54  of the  Central  Civil  Services  (Pension)  Rules,  1972.  The  family  pension  was  payable  at  enhanced  rate  of  50%  of  the  pay  last drawn  for  a  period  of  10  years,  if  the  Government  servant  had  rendered  a  continuous  service  of  not  less  than  seven  years; thereafter  the  rate  of  family  pension  was  30%  of  the  pay  last  drawn.  In  case  the  Government  servant  had  rendered  a  service of  less  than  seven  years  before  his  death,  the  rate  of  family  pension  was  30%  from  the  beginning  and  family  pension  at enhanced rate of 50% of last pay drawn was not payable to the family. 

The  Government  felt  that  the  need  for  family  pension  at  enhanced  rate  is  more  in  the  case  of  a  Government  servant  who  dies early in his career, as his pay at the initial phase of service is much less. The Government has, therefore, amended Rule 54 of the  Central  Civil  Services  (Pension)  Rules,  1972  by  a  notification  dated  19th  September,  2019.  As  per  the  amended  Rule  54, the  family  of  a  Government  servant,  who  dies  within  seven  years  of  joining  service,  will  also  be  eligible  for  family  pension at enhanced rate of 50% of last pay drawn, for a period of 10 years. 

The  above  amendment  would  be  effective  from  1st  October,  2019.  However,  the  families  of  Government  servants  who  died before completion of service of seven years within 10 years before 1st  October,  2019,  will  also  be  eligible  for  family  pension at enhanced rates with effect from 1st  October, 2019. The  benefit  of  amended  provisions  would  be  available  to  the  families  of  all  Government  servants,  including  the  personnel  of CAPFs, in the unfortunate event of their death within seven years of joining Government service.

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions dated 23.09.2019

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