Thursday, 19 December 2019

GS NAPE Gc visit to Directorate : Latest Information

Date : 20.12.2019
On 17.12.2019 GS NAPE c,  Sivaji Vasireddy met DDG(P), Director SPN, Director Staff, Director DE, and ADG GDS and following is the outcome. 

1. Results of GDS to PA and LGO will be released soon .

2. IP exam key will be released soon. 

3. ABM to BPM and vice versa transfer file moved favorably and will get the same soon but one level 2 to level 1 isnot going to reconsider. 

4. About GDS medical facility- a meeting is going to be held with Oriental insurance company shortly after that it may be finalized. 

5. GDS rejected compassionate cases file -- information called by Minister  from NE and Assam circle pending after getting the same it will processed favorably. 

6. PO RMS accountant file is under active consideration. 

7. GDS verification may be conducted in January 2020 itself.

8. Reexercise of option for 7th CPC based on DOPT order dated 12.12.2018 issue discussed and Clarification will be issued soon.

9. Onetime absorption case of AP circle is under consideration. 

10. PSS Group B cadre reallotment requests and all pending cases will be considered in January 2020.

11. PSS Group B draft will be released in 1,2020.

12. Punjab circle sports recruitment issue reminded. 

13. About recovery of cooperative dues from GDS TRCA -- High Court of AP judgement handed over and orders are expecting soon. 

14. PMA latest version released and many issues solved.

Sivaji Vasireddy

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